Im at my wits end. It all started the saturday before last when I worked 9-6 at the pet store. That was the longest Dexter went without breastfeeding. He takes a bottle like a champ and that exactly our problem at the momen. So much so that my supply started taking a turn for the worst. Thanks to a weekend of power pumping EVERY hour its back but he just won't nurse. The only time I can get him on in at his 6am half assleep feed. Otherwise he screams bloody murder at the mere sight of my boob! Goodness. I called a lactation consultant and got little help. She just said keep trying.
So far I have tried
- Warm bath with baby. (supposed to induce nursing) Ha!
- Nursing in motion (worked 1 day until he wised up)
- Nursing when sleepy( our best bet so far) Ive tricked him a handful of times.
- Pumping first to induce let down. (end up with a mad baby covered in milk) lol
Oh yeah my mothers day was nice! I drank alot of wine to soothe away my sorrow.
If you have any tips you think might help let me know!
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