Monday, March 29, 2010

6 weeks a couple days and bloated lol.

So being pregnant again is starting to get exciting. Other than feeling queasy constanly and randomly. I also feel like I've got the worst tummy bloat ever. There is also a sever lack of energy at any given time. Typical preggo crap lol.

Im getting excited though. I'm hoping that since I started out this pregnancy 30lbs lighter that I can be "cute" pregnant this time. As in be able to tell Im pregnant before Im like 8 months. I was a whale my last pregnancy ending at a smooth 250 at the end. This time I hope I stop near 200 or less.

In Dexter news, hes just so sweet. He is so free with his kisses, and I love when he goes Vroom as he drives his little cars (too cute)! He also is digging helping me garden, and likes to play in the dirt. Man I just love that little guy.

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